Although in Thailand, cryptocurrencies are not yet legally recognized, but digital assets such as cryptocurrency can carry out financial activities.
Nowadays the law and regulation in Thailand is the Royal Decree on Digital Asset Business B.E. 2561 which aims to regulate the cryptocurrency trading.
If a company wants to engage in business such as digital assets trading, or the sale of cryptocurrency to the public then this company must have permission from the office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The Royal Decree on Digital Asset Business B.E. 2561 create mechanisms to control the sale of cryptocurrencies to the Thai citizens. The Securities and Exchange Commission must authorize the sellers to operate and all must be under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission to prevent fraud. In Thailand, cryptocurrencies are not equivalent to banknotes or coins that can legally settle the debt.
H&P lawyers in Bangkok, can assist foreign clients to start a cryptocurrency business platform in Thailand. Our law firm can assist you in the process of obtaining licenses from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand.
If you want to operate a cryptocurrency business in Thailand, please contact our law firm in Thailand at [email protected]