H&P realizes that any firm’s biggest asset is its own people. Hence, we are always looking for the best professionals to join us and contribute to the development of our law firm.
H&P is engaged to support equal opportunity. We are committed to hiring people of diverse backgrounds and fully utilizing their talents to provide professional services of the highest quality. We understand the importance of human resources and we are strongly committed with our people offering great long-term learning and mobility opportunities.
Work in H&P
We are quite selective in making employment offers, we carefully seek for professionals who will inspire the confidence of our clients and who will work with our team to build up H&P reputation. Integrity and loyalty are two main assets when we look for recruiting people for our different departments. We do recruit individuals not only with an outstanding curriculum vitae but with integrity, proactive, hardworking and willing to learn.
H&P also promotes social responsibility, so we appreciate the balance of the professional commitments with community activities that support the social development of Thailand and Southeast Asian poorest communities. We encourage the candidates to actively keep in contact with us and we feel glad to invite you to attach the following supporting documents to the application:
Cover letter
Resume or CV
Scan of Lawyer License
Scan of your Bachelor Degree
Scan of your Master or Post Graduate Diploma (if any)
Additional diplomas
Proof of English language professional proficiency
Reference Letters (Reference letters are not compulsory but are welcome)
Please send your application on a strictly confidential basis to us
Internship in H&P
Cover letter
Resume or CV
Copy of your Bachelor Degree
Additional Law and business diplomas
Proof of English language professional proficiency
After finishing the Internship period, the partners involved in the training will address a Reference Letter for the intern’s personal records and H&P reserves the right to issue a Job Offer to the intern to join as an employee. Every year H&P gives an opportunity to several of our interns to belong to our team in different positions.
Please send your application on a strictly confidential basis to us.