The recruitment business, as in other jurisdictions, is regulated in Thailand and requires a license to operate. As this sector is surging again after the end of the pandemic, our lawyers in Thailand receive several enquiries every month of foreign companies looking to expand in Bangkok. Our law firm H&P has prepared a brief new glance to the license and requirements of recruitment businesses as follows.
A Thai company can apply for a recruitment license. To obtain a recruitment license, both natural persons and juristic persons must meet these qualifications:
1. Have Thai nationality
2. At least 20 years old (only natural person)
3. Not previously suspended the recruitment license
4. Have not been sentenced for corruption offenses
5. Have guarantee of at least 100,000 Baht
Moreover, the office of the company needs to be at least 16 square meters big, and it should be separated from other companies. Either natural person or juristic person can submit an application for the recruitment license. For the juristic person, the director should be a Thai National so in practice, most of the recruitment business usually appoint more than one director with different nationality.
The whole process of licensing application should take about 28 days if the documents are completed and does not need further amendment. The process of applying for the license is as follows.
1. The applicant submits the application along with the supporting documents
2. The officer examines the qualification of the applicant
3. Related authorities examine the qualification of the applicant including the office of the applicant
4. The office compiles the documents and submits to department of employment registrar
5. The department of employment registrar examine the documents and sign in the license
6. The applicant pays the fee and obtain the license
If you need to discuss with a lawyer in Thailand about recruitment licenses and structuring your business, please contact H&P at [email protected]