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H&P will be co organizer of the Southeast Asia Energy Storage Forum in Bangkok H&P Energy legal advisers and lawyers in Thailand

H&P Herrera & Partners is glad to be co-organizing with the people of Grid Asia and Lantau Group the “Southeast Asia Energy Storage Forum” with a panel of high reputable experts such a Franck Constant of Constant Energy, Csilla Kohalmi-Monfils of EVP Innovations Engie Fab, Thomas Chrometzka of Enapter, Jack Kneeland of Lantau Group and Matt Helling of Poyry.

Energy storage is one of the fastest growing new business sectors within the energy sector as battery prices fall, local and regional regulations improve. The event is supported by Herrera & Partners, Smart Energy Transformation Asia 2019, Women in Energy Asia, The Lantau Group and Grid Asia

The event of South East Asia Energy Storage Forum will take place this Thursday 28th of March 2019 18:30 at Pacific City Club in Bangkok.

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