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Mr. Jose Herrera listed as one of the top lawyers in 2024 by Asia Business Law Journal H&P Leading foreign attorney in Thailand

This 1st of December 2024, H&P is glad to announce that our partner Mr. Jose Herrera was listed in the “The A-List of Thailand’s top lawyers 2024” by the prestigious Asia Business Law Journal. The list includes Thailand’s top lawyers and 25 leading legal professionals in 2024.

The A-List of Asia Business Law Journal is made by referrals and reviews of individuals coming from the private and public sector.

In the annual report, Mr. Jose Herrera is mentioned his work for some foreign governments in Thailand and is described as “a notable lawyer, a strong leader in the Thai legal sector and the most influential Spanish speaking lawyer in Asia”.

Our firm congratulates Mr. Jose Herrera for this award and recognition as a key professional in the legal services sector in Thailand.

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